Christina F.
August 11, 2022
Parent Testimonial (student: Mathieu F.)
Loving friend, attentive teacher, cat mom.
I first met Christine many years ago. Christine tutored my son (Mathieu) when he was 6 years old, and at that time, I did not know we would become life long friends. Over the years, we stayed connected through Facebook and we knew that we would need her help again soon. When Mathieu turned 17, it was time to start thinking about colleges but he was so nervous that it took us a while to start the process. Unfortunately, by the time we got the ball rolling, it was already October and deadlines were so close.
We reached out to Christine and she understood Mathieu’s anxieties and though we were still living in the Zoom era of post-pandemic precautions, she said she would take the 1 hour drive to come out to us every week to sit down with Mathieu because it gave him more comfort to meet in person. She explained the entire application process to us from beginning to end and also told us about each section of the applications (UC, Common, and Cal) so that we would know what to expect as we brainstormed the essays. She would stay later than the time she scheduled for our meetings to talk with Matheiu on difficult days and even with me when I needed an ear (she introduced me to the matcha latte at Starbucks). On days that she wasn’t able to drive to LA from OC to see Mathieu, she would make time to call him and talk to him and she also made herself available 24hrs a day for him to text whenever he would get a sudden panic attack. One night she was texting with him close to midnight. On a few occasions, she had to give some tough love that she said was difficult to do but that she would play “bad cop” so that my husband and I could maintain a positive energy in the house for Mathieu.
As a parent, I wanted for my son someone who could help him in ways that I couldn’t, but I also could see how much Christine had grown over the years since we first met. She knew how to make a nervous parent feel at ease. She was able to switch between student and parent when we were all sitting at the table together, giving all of us support in such a stressful time. She even came over with her husband and they’d prepare food for us and just hang out so that Mathieu could share time with her in a casual way and break down some of the walls teenagers feel with teachers.
In the end, after the submissions were finished, what we got in return from Christine was so much more than essays. Christine is not just a college advisor. She is a friend, life coach, and amazing individual. She deeply cares for her students and their success, giving extra attention to those who might need additional help. We have been blessed to have her support and guidance and I truly don’t know what we would have done without her. She made the entire college process stress free and as a parent she made my job easier. You will not find a more qualified mentor or college advisor who not only knows her job but will take the time to know you as well.
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